A ray of light, in a year of darkness for many.

We want to take this opportunity to announce our spirit of huntsman 2020

Last year was tough for everyone. We all went through difficult times. Although everyone’s situation varied greatly, we were all faced with obstacles beyond our control.

One person who has really shone through this year for all of us as a team and community has been our member Michelle Sherlock.

Michelle, throughout 2020, was always the first person to offer an email of positivity to the team, she reached out to many members to offer a hand of support or an ear to listen. She has made multiple friends through 2020 within the community and this is no surprise seeing what a supportive kind individual she is!

Michelle also being a PT has supported her clients through the lockdown and adapted her own business so well to keep others motivated.

Thank you Michelle for being a major part of the community and also on a personal note being there for wise words of support!

So here we have it, our 2020 SPIRIT OF HUNTSMAN

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