Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moment of your life. Keep going, tough situations built strong, resilient people.

This year again, we were torn between two people who both have been an incredible example to all those around them and also in this case for the coaches.

Mark and Cat both steadfast ever since joining Huntsman, but this year they have displayed an Insurmountable level of dedication to their own personal development and in turn have been an absolute beacon to the rest of the Huntsman community!

The Huntsman at home sessions are of course designed to serve and motivate each and every one of you but this level of dedication also motivates each coach. We live to coach and witness the incredible journey that you all travel, mark and cat have been incredible in every situation posed throughout this year. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for walking through our doors and becoming an integral part of Huntsman. Your prizes will be in the post!

To end this post, we just want to thank every individual who has supported us through this tough year. The emails and messages of support. The phone calls, the virtual chats and for just reaching out to us and one another in the community. The acts of kindness haven’t gone unnoticed and we are proud to have you all part of Huntsman.

Our community has grown this year and we can’t wait to kick of 2021 with you all


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